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Taking a Leap of Faith with Wajahat Ali

Taking a Leap of Faith with Wajahat Ali

Silence the waswasas by always remembering your long term goal. The haters are numerous, but the armies of doubt and fear within our own minds are legion.

Passion can sustain conviction but only for so long. When it gets bleak—and sometimes it does—I imagine myself towards the end, with the sand running down the glass.

Nothing is worse than asking "What if?" right before the time runs out.  

"What if...What if I took that chance? That bold leap? That reckless hope? That reckless risk? Molded that silly dream in my head into a living, breathing reality?"

I never want the "what if."

I'd rather leap, risk, hope, dream...and fail, if necessary. At the very least, you tried. You didn't have regrets. And you lived.

You marry that with sincere intentions and believe in yourself and God, and even if you fail, you win at life.

- Wajahat Ali, Writer and Journalist for the Huffington Post, the Guardian and The New York Times

Looking Back on Intentions with Tariq Shaikh

Looking Back on Intentions with Tariq Shaikh

Words to Remember with Shahed Amanullah

Words to Remember with Shahed Amanullah